Private Earwax Removal - Microsuction
What is Microsuction?
Microsuction is the procedure of choice for ear wax removal as it has been found to be safer and more effective than ear irrigation (syringing). There is a lower risk of infection, and the procedure avoids contact with the internal ear structures. Microsuction uses a small vacuum to suck out the wax from the ear canal. Please note that this clinic appointment is not diagnostic; it is for the removal of ear wax only.
Who can use this service?
Anyone with an excessive build-up of ear wax, over the age of 18, can use this service. Please read through the Terms and Conditions before booking your appointment.
We have expanded this service to include home appointments, working alongside our community partner.
How to book?
Please phone our reception team on 01904 943690 or pop in to Acomb Garth Community Care Centre.
Is there a charge for this service?
Currently this service is not available as an NHS service. We know many York patients need ear wax removal, so we have set up this private service to help them.
Our service fee for Ear Microsuction is £50 for both ears at Acomb Garth Community Care Centre.
Home appointments are available for anyone living within a 15-mile radius or York and priced at £70 for both ears or £45 for one ear.
Can I cancel my appointment and get a refund?
You can change or cancel your appointment 24 hours before your scheduled time. If you cancel within this timeframe you will be offered a refund of the £20 deposit and there will be no further charges. If you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment you will not be entitled to this refund, but you will not be charged the additional £30.
What do I need to do before my appointment?
Please prepare for your appointment by using olive oil drops from your local pharmacy in the affected ear; 2-3 drops twice daily for the 7 days preceding your procedure. Sodium bicarbonate 5% drops may be used as an alternative. This treatment is to soften the wax which will in turn help in providing successful microsuction. We would like to offer some general ear care advice; NEVER insert cotton buds into the ear canal as this could push wax further into the ear, or worse, perforate the ear drum. We would advise never to put anything smaller than your elbow into the ear.
What to expect after your appointment?
After the ear suction, we may provide you with some aftercare instructions, such as avoiding excessive water exposure or using ear drops to maintain ear health. If you continue with hearing loss, or other related symptoms such as tinnitus, following successful microsuction, you should visit your general practitioner (GP) for review as it is likely that there will be other factors causing your symptoms.
As with all procedures, there are risks, however these are minimal. Some people may feel dizzy following the procedure as structures within the ear can affect balance. For this reason, we advise you to consider your travel arrangements prior to the procedure, as you should not drive while dizzy.
Further information
At our Community Care Centre we are committed to providing high quality and patient-centered care. Our Ear Microsuction Service aims to alleviate discomfort and blockages caused by excessive earwax. For more information, please read the Terms and Conditions fully before you book your appointment. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our friendly staff.
Disclaimer: Please note the information above is for informational purposes only and should not substitute professional medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider for personalised recommendations regarding your ear health.