Local bus operator First York has produced a handy, online travel guide for patients visiting the York Vaccination Centre at Askham Bar for their Covid-19 vaccinations.
As the Covid-19 vaccination programme progresses and everyone over the age of 18 is eligible to come forward for their jabs, local people are being encouraged to visit the site on foot, by bike or by public transport if they can.
Madeline Ruff, Chief Executive of Nimbuscare, the ‘at-scale’ primary care provider operating the York Vaccination Centre, said: “With most older people having now received both doses of the Covid-19 vaccination and Government measures aimed at reducing the spread of they virus gradually easing, many patients are now choosing to take advantage of the site’s excellent links with the city’s bus network.
“This, together with the large proportion of local people visiting the site on foot or by bike, has really helped us to minimise the number of vehicles accessing the site each day, making it possible for the flow of traffic to and from the site to move more freely. We welcome the development of this useful online travel guide by First York, which outlines all of the different bus operators serving the site, explaining where the buses stop and the frequency of their services. It’s another great example of the way that our many partners are working together to support the mass vaccination programme here in York.”
Marc Bichtemann, Managing Director of First Bus York, said: “From its launch, we have worked closely to support the York Vaccination Centre operation alongside the Askham Bar Park & Ride site, particularly during recent weeks as customers begin to return and the site is busier as bus use gradually increases with the easing of travel restrictions."
Marc, who is also a member of the city-wide Outbreak Management Advisory Board, which is monitoring York’s response to the pandemic, added: “Increasing awareness and understanding of accessibility to the Vaccination Centre from all parts of York is important and this guide is another helpful way of letting people know how to get there.”