Our vision, values and objectives
Statement of Purpose
Nimbuscare Ltd will be a sustainable and valued community-based provider supporting local systems by delivering high quality care services.
We will support improvements in population health and patient experience by working together across the health and care system.
The aim is to work together to sustain a resilient general practice; to lead health and care re-design; to improve the quality of care through integrated care in the community supporting local populations, local stakeholders and addressing local needs in an equitable way.
We want Nimbuscare Ltd to be a well-led, safe and sustainable organisation and be a thriving health and care provider. We believe primary care is better together than the sum of our constituent parts, driving continuous improvements in collaborative working and care delivery, thereby improving services for our local population.
Organisational Objectives
- Develop a robust organisation. A trusted partner within the ICS and locally providing a strong identity and reputation for delivery.
- Develop and add to the services we provide in primary care and out of hospital with a focus on supporting improved patient access and co-ordination of care.
- Enable working in partnership across the system to share best practice and knowledge, to allow better integrated delivery of care to our population and to create best value/efficient use of resources.
- Support and sustain high quality general practice as the building blocks of primary care. Champion primary care-led design and delivery of wider integrated models of care.
- Engender innovation and new ways of working, to build on the understanding of local population need ensuring the delivery of patient-centred care.
- Provide a cohesive and representative structure based in the community both providing services and influencing the future design of the health and social care system.
- Allow delivery of primary care services across a wider population in a joined up, consistent and accessible way for the benefit of patients.